Bigfoot Sighting in Lewis County – July 10th, 2021

On July 10th, 2021, a resident of Lewis County went out to investigate some odd behavior they observed from their horses. At 9:15pm, from about 150 feet away, they saw a large figure covered in dark fur jump from less than 10 feet out of a tree and run deeper into the woods on two legs.

Had a sighting tonight. It was up in a tree watching my horses. When I went out to see what they were spooked about, it jumped from the the tree and ran off. It was very tall, dark fur, and ran off on two legs. This happened at about 9:15 PM PST. We are located in Lewis County…

The person who reported the sighting created a map with the approximate distance on their phone and shared the image for reference.  They reported that the creature ran off towards the upper right hand corner of the image.MapOf150

The next day, the individual returned with an addition person to the area, taking photographs of area, including two with large areas of grass that had been disturbed and two possible foot prints.

Lewis County has no shortage of documented reports in the Bigfoot Research Field Organization’s database.


7 thoughts on “Bigfoot Sighting in Lewis County – July 10th, 2021

    1. This is my report.
      Our neighbors and we have both heard screams at night. My dad was chased out of our woods a couple years ago. He had rocks being thrown at him and was screed at. My Dad has had many encounters up off Hwy 2 in Washington as well.

  1. Bigfoot will be seen more and more in the future an will slowly become a member of our world that’s why he is showing himself I believe he could a avoid us all together. Bigfotlo

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