A man who claims to be a former Washington State Trooper claims he has been feeding a group of Bigfoot in the North Cascades since 2009. Menu items have included apples, carrots, beef jerky, cookies and candy bars.
He describes them as 6 to 7 feet tall and up to 500 pounds.
“I think they may be a primitive human species that we know very little about. They appear to me very intelligent.”
State Trooper: I Feed Bigfoots and They Have a Language from Cryptozoology News
The ‘North Cascades’ may be a reference to the North Cascades National Park. The park is a vast wilderness of conifer-clad mountains, glaciers and lakes. The North Cascades Highway passes viewpoints and leads to trails such as the steep Thunder Creek Trail. Boats dot Ross Lake. The remote community of Stehekin lies at the northern tip of deep Lake Chelan. The park shelters grizzly bears and gray wolves, plus more than 200 bird species. The park is located in portions of Whatcom, Skagit, and Chelan counties.
So ..was there anymore to this story or what ? Not much detail in this case besides he feeds them and they’re somewhere in the North Cascades which doesn’t tell me much at all .
I live roughly 5 miles north of Sedro-Woolley and have found several footprints on my property by a river in the middle of winter when the river temp was just 39 °f and saw that whoever had left the tracks had gone across the river which is swift,rocky and super slippery from the algae growing on the rocks plus theres really sharp branches in the river . Pretty sure it wasn’t a homeless person because of the big toes and how they didn’t look normal like a human foot plus I’ve heard strange sounds coming from the deep woods that freak my dogs out and it’s nothing like I’ve ever heard before and definitely not a cougar or an owl or bear or anything like that plus the amplitude is insane .
I’ve noticed that there’s a pattern of migration that seems to be around the same time as the salmon migrations up the river .
In any case I hope to see the feds and state give these creatures protection from hunting and leave them to live in peace .
Love to see all living creatures protected.
I’ve only heard those loud hard knocks of trees going into the forest
Yes,Sasquatch should be protected from people with guns. I believe we could learn alot more about them,if we encounter a living Sasquatch…how they interact with people,etc…DO NOT SHOOT SASQUATCH.
Well, the first set of knocks you hear are generated by a self professed “local primatologist ” by the name of Ray JoeBob.
The ones you hear a second later coming from over yonder are from Billy Joe Bob, his nephew/cousin who is sure he is responding to the real deal.
What we have here is a failure to communicate.
And incidentally,
The Chinese lunar rover just discovered one of them cube shaped moon huts.
Take THAT, everyone who was sceptical about Moonsquatch!
Who’s gullible now?!