Quite fitting, Pierce County (having as many or more reports in the public BFRO database as 26 States in the US) is using Sasquatch in a promotion by their Health Department to encourage residents to ‘mask-up’ and prevent the spread of COVID-19.
The images are used on their social media pages and downloadable/shareable.
Join the legends.
😷➡️ https://t.co/i6pogs9CDH#MaskUpPierceCounty #COVID19 pic.twitter.com/uddfWIsXwP
— Tacoma-Pierce County Health Department (@TPCHD) June 25, 2020
I asked the the Tacoma-Pierce Health Department what inspired the use of Bigfoot in the promotion.
“We wanted to connect with people through politically neutral messages that resonate with people in our area. We thought, what’s more Northwest than Sasquatch? And there’s just something inherently funny about Sasquatch in a mask. Our social media followers appreciated the humor. We’ve even had folks using it as their Facebook portrait, and an elected official wanted to use it on his social media! People in our agency and on our Board of Health love that we’re finding creative ways to reach people with this important message. And thousands of people have interacted with it on social media!”
Face coverings have been required in public in Washington State since June 26th, 2020 and some have ventured into asking if Bigfoot researchers in the field should wear them.
For more information about Washington State’s response to COVID-19.
Can you post this on Instagram please? I want to share!
Done. Or you can find more on the Pierce County page linked in the post
I grew up in Spanaway and had an encounter at the age of 11. I lived there 16 years. 1970