Sherman Pass and WSDOT Twitter

Sherman Pass Bigfoot

On January 22nd, 2020, the Washington State Department of Transportation’s twitter account, WSDOT East, tweeted out a message and several images of a dark outline among the treeline and snow.

On Twitter

Over the next several days, the account continued to post tweets mentioning sasquatch, including a video from another DOT account, SnoqualmiePass.

The tweets got a lot of attention, from Bigfoot believers and doubters alike, including landing on the homepage of

People quickly pointed out that the Sasquatch-like outline didn’t move from photo to photo that the traffic camera would take and it later came out that a Bigfoot cutout was known to be at that location.

As for the Snoqualmie Pass video, if you look very carefully, the date is in the lower left hand corner, stating the video is from August 2019 and not a recent video.

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