Batsquatch holds an interesting place in Washington State Bigfoot/Cryptid mythos. Often referenced as Washington State’s official cryptid, there are reports of Batsuqatch like creatures from Mt Shasta California to Butler County, Pennsylvania. A sighting in 1994 in rural Washington and subsequent newspaper article made Batsquatch part of Washington State cryptid history.
On April 19th, 1994, at 9:30 AM, 18 year old Brian Canfield was driving a truck near Buckley Washington, in the foothills of Mount Rainier. Canfield’s truck came to a sudden and abrupt stop as a bizarre and terrifying creature appeared no more than 30 feet in front of him.
The creature was described at 9 feet tall, with blue-ish fur. It has a wolf like face, yellow eyes, tufted ears and a large mouth filled with sharp white teeth. Its feet were described at bird like and on its back were two wings, attached to the shoulder.
After an undetermined length of time, the creature unfolded its wings and took off with such force that Canfield’s truck shook with the disturbance of air. The truck started again, as abruptly as it had stopped and Brian Canfield drove home. Canfield later returned to the site of the encounter with his mother and a neighbor in hopes of finding some sort of physical evidence of the encounter. None was found.
Local reporter CR Roberts, of the Tacoma News Tribune, interviewed Canfield and was convinced of his sincerity. He published an 800 word article based on the interview on April 24, 1994.
This isn’t Batchsquatch’s first appearance, depending how much details you need to qualify as an appearance. Tales of Batchsquatch are often tied to the May 18th, 1980 Mount St Helens eruptions, but no information exists about any sightings, except reference of references.
Most recently, Batsquatch has appeared on a Rouge River Brewery’s beer named after the mysterious winged humanoid. It is described as a hazy IPA and quiet tasty. I used their Finder Web App and was able to find a six pack at a grocery store nearby. They also have tshirts and stickers available at their online store.
Thanks so much for posting this along with the actual article clipping. I really got a lot of info from this. On a side note I just love in the article as the reporter is describing the 18 year olds credibility he says, “He doesn’t listen to heavy metal, and he doesn’t play dungeons and dragons. He’s never seen a ufo.” Just think it’s funny.
i witnessed this thing circling over my house in Moses lake, WA on 11/14/2021 at around 1 am in the morning.
Thank you for the post and for posting the original article! This is a fun read.