Classic from 2014 of a trail cam picture of an 8 foot bigfoot from Mossy Rock in Lewis County.
8 Foot Bigfoot Like Creature Caught on Trailcam in Mossyrock, Washington
“The backstory on the trail cam, is the guy who showed me had been down at his friends house in mossyrock, out in the backwoods of his property, DEEP in the woods, and they had heard a screaming/howling noise that they could not say was a cougar or coyote, bear, etc.. They wanted to figure out what it was. So they set up motion sensitive trail cameras to capture it. And upon checking them this morning, this is what he found.
It’s an amazing photo, it makes every other image I’ve seen look laughable in comparison. I get really pissed when people try to argue it’s authenticity.. These guys didnt even know how to send the picture from their computer to their phone, they dont know what photoshop is.”
Dude give me a brake.this piece of dung looks like pinhead.that head is way to small for that massive body.you need help with Superimposed? The only big thing in the woods is a huge pile of lies and deception for people’s own vanity.
To anyone saying the proportions or such are wrong n superimposed, these are not computer guys, i am an outdoorsmen, no tech geek, we dont know how to do those things. Nor do we care about a tech guys take on it lol. Go in those woods for a few days n nights straight. Lmk about your superimposing image bs then buddy. Lmao u best stay in moms basement.
Agreed My son and I Saw a Bigfoot at under 50yds Face to face so to speak For at least 30 seconds Its some sort of ape Huge about 8′ tall at least and thick Probably about 450# I’m guessing but who knows It was 8-15-2015 on the newakuum river in Lewis county It was trying to cross under the I 5 freeway But we were there looking for agates I’ve been in the outdoors for 50years In Canada and the USA I know what I saw Bigfoot is real
I think it looks exactly like a Bigfoot. I am excited to see this image. I live in Lewis County myself and had a sighting a few years back myself up in the Foot Hills of Lincoln Creek Valley outside Chehalis and Centralia.
I lived north east of Centralia for a year when I was a kid. It was out on highway 507 on the way to Bucoda. There is a small trailer court on the left just past the bridge where you cross the Skookumchuck River. Used to scare myself walking around those woods looking for Sasquatch.
This sighting was a long time ago around 1974. I lived in Fife across a field of Black Angus cows. I was driving out of my driveway with my friend. It was around midnight and my lights went across the field. That’s when I saw a large Gray Bigfoot next to the cows. I said in my mind what the blank was that. I was so scared I didn’t say anything to my friend. And she screams did you see that and we both screamed together. I knew I wasn’t just seeing things.
I’ve seen them while I have been on patrol. They are real and they will kill you if threatened.
What makes you say they’ll kill you if threatened?
They’re big, powerfully built, and probably temperamental like primates that feel threatened around humans. After all, these poor creatures have been shot at by liquored up Billy-Bobs out on a weekend backroad trip. Just give them some space, don’t make sudden moves, keep your distance, and don’t follow them into the brush. These are creatures who have survived for HUNDREDS of years in the wild country before there ever was any human explorers.
You are either an idiot or gov disinformation agent. Me and 3 other people were chased out of the woods by one of these creatures .my dad saw one 1 foot away from his face through the window and everyone in the area he livedtold him just stop looking out the window at night. People like u are going to get people hurt pertenting these things dnt exist Stop spreading disinformation
I lived in Mossy Rock for six years is why I focused on your article. Although I had no encounter there I have a friend who lives in Bear Canyon and would often go there in the summer and camp on the river with my dog. Early spring around 2011 we walked to the river to see how high the river got from all the rain we were having. When we came down the embankment onto the river area we noticed further down the embankment something had pushed a small tree over and it was hanging over the edge , so we walked down there to take a look. I scoured the ground for prints and boom there it was one sixteen and a half foot print with a eight inch width. I say only one print for the ground was more rock than sand so only one print transpired. The print was quit deep for it had rained several times after it was made and you could still clearly see the print. Capture a pick with my cell phone!
That thing is ripped, it makes wwe wrestlers look like nothing. No way in hell its a costume, the hair is real on it and its not a gorilla, you can tell by the ears. Crazy trail pic….If you saw it in real life would you shoot it? If you do shoot it be careful…Daniel Boone (famouse frontiersman) said that bigfoot have a bone chest plate surrounding their heart. He killed one but shot it through its eye.
I live in Bellingham Washington one night about midnight on the RedRiver on the Lummi Indian reservation we were driving down the windy road along the river it was close to the mouth of the river that spills into the Salish sea Onion bay it was low tide and the river was low. Anyway we came up on a small bridge the crossed the river at Hillaire below the on the bank was this massive figure stooped over at the rivers bank like it was scooping water from the river. It seemed unbothered by us passing by but everytime I pass that bridge I always look down there and wonder what it was my only guess is a Bigfoot or Sasquatch. I live on the reservation and is surrounded by water rivers and sea water lots of woods and beach. Have seen and heard my fair share of unexplained explained encounters. Heard things seen things smelled thing experienced things. That can only be explained as Sasquatch. And to be completely honest the creature in this picture is what the thing looked like under the bridge that night.
I live in Bellingham Washington one night about midnight on the RedRiver on the Lummi Indian reservation we were driving down the windy road along the river it was close to the mouth of the river that spills into the Salish sea Onion bay it was low tide and the river was low. Anyway we came up on a small bridge the crossed the river at Hillaire rd below the bridge on the bank was this massive figure stooped over at the rivers bank like it was scooping water from the river. It seemed unbothered by us passing by but everytime I pass that bridge I always look down there and wonder what it was my only guess is a Bigfoot or Sasquatch. I live on the reservation and it is surrounded by water. rivers and sea water lots of woods and beach. Have seen and heard my fair share of unexplained explained encounters. Heard things seen things smelled thing experienced things That can only be explained as Sasquatch. And to be completely honest the creature in this picture is what the thing looked like under the bridge that night.