In a recent post, Greg Newkirk, Editor-In-Chief at Week In Weird asks, Was Bigfoot Killed in Washington’s 1980 Mount St. Helens Eruption?.

May 18th marked the 35th Anniversary of the massive eruption that killed 57 people and destroyed 230 square miles of forest. Ash was blown 80,000 feet into the air and mud, ash and debris combined with melted glaciers to cause powerful mud flows that destroyed everything in their path as they rushed down the side of the mountain.
The Mount St Helens area has been the location of multiple Bigfoot sightings and the infamous Ape Canyon Sightings from the 1920’s tells the tale of 5 miners who fought off a Bigfoot attack. Another famous set of sightings from 1969 also got national attention.
Certainly any creatures in the path of the ash and mud flows on that Sunday morning in May were killed, but there is no reason to believe that Bigfoot does not still roam that area. Bigfoot sightings from 2002 suggest that Bigfoot is alive and well in the forests and hills of Mount Saint Helens.

About the Bigfoot’s that were found after Mount Saint Helen had a ruptured, is true and the government is doing its usual thing of hiding it from us the American people . It’s truly sad and silly of what the government does to us who pay and provide their paycheck daily . There is too much evidence of the living and breathing lineage of Cain. Please remember that Cain was cursed because of his wrongdoing, Of killing his brother Abel, that had had him cursed and bounded to this earth until the second coming of our savior Jesus Christ . One such and firm and undaunted witness and testimony is from David Patten. Elder Patten and his companion, while riding their horses through trees, came into an opening, and up walked the man himself . Elder Patton asked , ” what is the name “, and a vagabond replied , ” my name is Cain”. And from then on man and women have witnessed many known Sasquatch is, yetis, Bigfoot’s, and other no names . I myself have had several witnesses of his blood and lineage. I have not seen nor witnessed Cain himself, but of his seed. And please note, when Cain was cursed by the Lord, with a marking, and to be cursed to Rome this earth until his next coming, even his seed were marked . If you yourself were to research, and read and study and be persistent in knowing if these creatures or our same blood, you would know without a shadow of doubt nor hesitancy to make that same claim by thousands and thousands of other people and witnesses that, ” Bigfoot/yeti/abominable snowman slash and whatever other term has been given by mankind, is real “! Again, with my own visual witnesses, and my personal studies, that there is no way under the heavens that someone can make a claim , that these individuals that are roaming the earth, are not real . If so, you have not done your part to truly find out what is real and what is fake . You, are ignorant . And please, look up the definition of ignorance or of an ignorant man/woman. That individual has a lack of knowledge, information, and a personal part of wisdom. Exclamation !
Please forgive my typo errors, I should have proof read my statement
That has got to be the most delusional statement I’ve ever read in my entire life! To start with, your a nut even bringing thee bible into it. There is zero evidence that Bigfoot exist. The construction company owner that started the modern Bigfoot craze admitted that he hoaxed the entire thing. Anyone with the IQ over of a moron knows that the Patterson-Gimlin film was 100% fake! Patterson bought a bigfoot suit for the purpose of making a Bigfoot movie shortly before the famous film was made. How do people as dumb as yourself even smart enough to breath? Yes thousand of people has seen it and just as many see fairies, lizzardmen, mermaids, and dogmen, bonand guess what? Yeah thats rightl They aren’t real either.
really? ive seen the film reviewed showing how the bigfoot in that film couldnt possibly have been a human being. why are you so nasty?
All the statements suggesting that bigfoot does not exist are not proof that bigfoot does not exist. There are too many instances of sightings, vocalizations and casts of imprints that make a strong statement that bigfoot does exist and is alive a well all over North America. The assumption is very similar to the basic premise of the Air Forces Project Bluebook about aliens…..” Aliens don’t exist therefore they cannot be.” Film does provide some proof that “something” was there.
Where’s the proof Patterson bought a Bigfoot suit? Where is this “Bigfoot suit”? Not one picture of it ever? Who did he buy the suit from because in 1969 there was no suits that looked that good? Watch Star trek and planet of the apes from 1969 and a few years past that to see what type of costumes they had. Why can you see muscles moving if this was a fake suit?
Why are you even on a Bigfoot website if you are such a non believer? I bet you are o e of those peop,e that believed the government that UFOS never visited us either, right? Now all of a sudden the US govt has admitted that UFOs invaded our airspace with the Tik tac event caught on tape.
Exaxtly Bilko…this guys is a #$*&^! In the truest sense. He just came on here to call people names n run his mouth..So I give him sum of the same…he,s an Ignorant #$*%&$!
what I saw I must be a #^$!.. low IQ…… I guess you need to be dropped off out west and nice dense wooded secluded area or let’s say British Columbia area. . Your opinion would change .. stay for a week straight camp out enjoy yourself.. go for nice hikes during the day.. they’ll find you.. . You could go to Sahara mountains there’s a couple nice spots up there that you wouldn’t last probably more than two nights. You’re sarcastic attitude would change.. I guarantee it
Actually the Patterson-Gilman film is still the best piece of evidence to date and has yet to be debunked. You can see the muscles ripple as “she” walks. Yes she! Because it also has breasts. Now why would someone intentionally put breasts on a Bigfoot costume? Not to mention costume technology in the 60’s would have looked like a clunky obviously fake gorilla suit
Not very informed would b yourself !
It’s odd how people speak as though they know things but clearly have no research done on the topic which they speak !
The latest findings you mention knowing , should perhaps be read by yourself before claiming ridiculous non truths created 40-50 yrs ago.
I will clue you in just a little …
The Patterson film has been scrutinized in every way possible & found to b authentic!
Which is only a bit of what was found , for example a very skilled athlete was even chosen to just see if there was any chance in a controlled scientific environment , if an athletic man could mimic the actual gate of the ‘Animal’ on the Patterson film . In monkey suit or without …
What they found was even under those favorable circumstances with the best possible chance to have success , the athletic man STILL could not replicate at all the walk of the animal in question !
Beyond that , back when that animal was caught on film , there was zero monkey suits advanced enough for what has been found off that film . Jaw movement , facial structure , eye sockets plus motion ….
You see when they proved the film as authentic …
They just kept at it trying to find anything that could support the nonsense of it being fake !
Fun fact … the animal on said film was a female !
Which clearly is seen when they dissect frame by frame by frame .
The Patterson film more & more is referred to as “one of the very best captures of Bigfoot “
By scientists , researches & the growing public of believers. It’s a shame he passed away before people spoke about his film this way , instead he was constantly harassed by people who just act as though they knew better , without obviously knowing much !
There is a lot on the books to read these days on this topic …
Personally I have never understood anybody especially people with science backgrounds caring a closed mind on things perhaps not proven in certain ways !
It just seems so much wiser to approach topics still not agreed upon by all with an open mind set !
Another great reference to research is from the 1940-50’s port lock Alaska !
As well as many many more in past & present!
Amusing! And your spelling and grammar make you seem like that drunk guy who just can’t get a clue, so he just keeps yelling the same thing! Again and again!
Sober up. Think before you comment. Wait for someone more educated than you to make the point.! You yell a lot! It’s really annoying!
Got a pic of a juvenile last week
Sounds like you know everything lol
Bob, I have no opinion one way or the other. It really doesn’t interest me enough to form one. But seeing your comment, really shows that you need a hug, dude. Calm down. No need to insult and get all hot about it. It’s BIGFOOT dude! Chill my man! ✌️
So you dont think finding bodies is enough are you stupid or do you not have any faith in life BOO hoo theres people that have the same opiinon as you dosent gives you a right to call people stupid and moron its ok thought because if that makes you feel better about your life 🙂
I believe Sasquatch are real.The casts of foot prints in remote areas are indisputable , cannot be faked. The physical movement in the Patterson/Gimlin film cannot be reproduced today,2021 never mind 1967. Heavenly Father created all , including, Sasquatch. God bless!
I consider the limits of my imagination. Then I think about what I can not imagine, which is a bit difficult. Then I try to imagine infinity. “It goes” in infinite directions, in infinite time, in infinite dimensions, infinity ♾️♾️♾️….
So, how could someone decide, with matter of “fact” certainty whether or not a ghost, sasquatch, UFO, or things that go bump/howl/crunch/whistle or squeak in the night are not happening. Heisenberg did determine the need for an uncertainty principle. The koan (unanswerable riddle) of Schrodinger’s Cat is a good thing to ponder.
So, I recently moved to Tacoma, WA. Sort of serendipitously, after meandering through northern California, Oregon and now around the Puget Sound-Mt. Ranier region, discovering the background scenery of most of the Bigfoot habitats with which I have become so web-familiar in the last 5 years (2016-21). Now, as a Folkloric Cultures and Artifacts scholar of sorts, I take this approach: many people believe and/or know that they have had an encounter with a cryptid primate, and, I believe them. I haven’t, yet. So, living here and being a back country explorer, I don’t really want to get up close and personal, similarly with a mountain lion, but I can’t resist imagining the possibility.
Myths and legends are all based on some form of truth. However, I don’t believe all myths and fairytales are real, some truths are. Yes the original wood mill hoax, is just that a hoax, but it’s based on legends, myths and not just from local native people who have seen these things first hand. Every continent in the world except Antarctica has a legend of a big hairy people. To blindly say with absolute certainty it does not exist is saying you’re closed minded and foolish. I agree bringing in the bible and god is a silly thing to do. but you can not ignore the entire history of the world claiming to have seen them for over 5000 years of written history. yes they may not exist but at least I’m open to a possibility of it existing.
One last thing, god is a hypothesis and the American ape is a theory.
Bigfoot has way more evidence than god. it’s a theory not a guess.
If Bigfoot is proven 100%….it would be economically devastating to the Mining and Timber industry….ENDANGERED SPECIES….no more camping….mt. climbing/hiking….off roading…..the money men dont want that to happen…..in the PNW, loggers know…but they have to log to live, feed their families etc…mining same situation……lips are sealed…….
If you look up stories and old newspaper clippings even as far back as 1800s . There’s just too much evidence out there I know people want to see a body. The government ain’t going to let that happen. And for someone to take a shot at one of these and kill it I mean I couldn’t pull the trigger on one unless it was trying to kill me I guess. I guess it would be like killing a human being but to defend yourself another story.. something strange is going on out there…
A 100,000 people have seen bigfoot including myself and still you don’t believe, now look at this have you ever seen God no and you never will, you have to be be a total idiot if you think we are the only were not and yes there is God and bigfoot are science doesn’t have to prove shit cause they won’t leave there office just like you idiot non believers there real you can’t prove there not, seeing is believing ,but you still believe in God you won’t see him when you die either so how do you know God is real you don’t,bigfoot is real so (admin edit) you!