Metaline Falls townwide Bigfoot event is back for 2023.
Explore the town and vendors for free or purchase tickets to attend the speakers and other events.
Tickets for speakers range from $35 for a single speaker or $150 all presenters.
Presenters include Thom Cantrall, Mel Skahan, Thomas Sewid, Terrance James, Jesus Payan, and Hannah and Scot Violette of Sasquatch America.
Availability as an alternate speaker.
Vendor’s table?
I was wondering why I did not get an application to be a vendor this year. I was a vendor last year and requested to be in the park on the grass. I live 20 miles south of Metaline falls and would love to be in the park this year.
We saw a vender last summer with handmade chip keyed gun safes. Can’t find the card we got! Do you have his contact info?