A Washington State Fisheries Employee’s story of an encounter with Bigfoot east of Amboy, Washington. Amboy is southwest of Mt St Helens in Clark County.
The frightening story includes the person’s tent being dragged and the face to face encounter with the Bigfoot.
This thing, Bigfoot I figured out at that moment was huge, at least all of 9-feet, and looked to weigh more than 500 or so pounds at least.
The shoulders were at least 4-feet wide, no joke. It was hard to look directly at this thing, I have to tell you, I just wanted to look away and hope for the best. But I did have my flashlight on it, and I was not going to move it.
I do remember that it was only human-like in the stature, I mean it was on two feet except when it went to charge me. The eyes were large, and the hair covered its entire body, even most of its face except around its eyes.
No neck that I could see and the head just sat on top of his shoulders and seemed to be slightly cone shaped on top.
I could not tell the exact hair color, but I think it was a reddish-brown, I think, but I can’t be sure, I was far too scared to really notice the color to tell you the truth.
It had canines when it screamed, I could see them and feel the sound wave hit me like a truck! That is when I really got scared, those teeth would tear me in half in a second if the long muscular arms did not first.