A bigfoot report that has been on LinkedIn for since March, 2021 has landed in the Bigfoot Field Research (BFRO) database as Report # 68969 (Class A), the only new report added to BFRO from WA State so far in 2023.
The sighting happened in August in the mid-1990s, near the Toutle River in Cowlitz County.
The report is of two Bigfoot, one approximately 6 feet tall and one 3 1/2 feet tall standing on the edge of a gravel road.
They were both very hairy. Their straight, course, brown hair (about the color of Elk) and was about 10-inches long. Their bodies were completely covered with hair, except for their faces, hands and feet. They were extremely fast and wasted no time disappearing into the woods.
I have see. BF. From an aircraft. Also .strong smell and found scat. Had it tested at a DNA lab. They had no data base to compare it ti. So it is BF. Also later got a photo off trail camera of BF.
how can we view the photo?