Southwest of Yelm, Washington, in Thurston County, Bald Hills Road once snaked its way thru dense stands of old fir trees on its way from the prairies of Yelm towards the Ball Hills at the foot of Mt Rainier. Almost all of that forest on both sides of the road has been clear cut, logged down to nothing and replaced with faux-mini mansions, modular homes and what ever has been able to grow back in the last 15 years. The area sits between the Nisqually River and Deschutes River. While not being a Bigfoot ‘hotspot’ per se, there are a handful of sighting from the area. Also notable is the areas close proximity to the Skookumchuck Resouvour. The term Skookum is Chinnok Jargon that is used heavy in geographical names across Oregon, Washington and British Columbia. It is one of the many names the Native Chinuk Wawa used for Bigfoot. The Skookumchuck Reservoir is less than 10 miles from Bald Hills Road.
The following was left as a comment on www.washingtonbigfoot.com
April 23, 2019 I saw a Bigfoot on Bald Hills Road in Yelm Washington @ 11:00 pm. It was just over 6 foot tall, hair on its body about 4 inches long. Orangutan long arms orange glowing eyes. This is a true story. Scared the crap out of me. Thought I’d share my experience with you.
In a follow up call, the witness described in detail the night they were driving home from work, coming around a corner and a dip in the road to see Bigfoot coming from the left hand side of the road, pausing and turning as they approached. The Bigfoot was over 6 feet tall, with dark four inch hair covering its body. It’s orange eyes looked at the witness as it took 3 or 4 steps, then stopped. The witness described the swing of the arm as it stopped, before it went back into the trees or brush on the left hand side, not crossing the road. The witness described the familiar, but not incredibly common, skunk-like odor associated with some sightings.
I live near there, and had my own sighting on the South border of Ft Lewis on 8th ave not far out of Spanaway. I agree, frightening indeed. Shook me to my foundations…
Very intriguing. My Nephew, who is very private, lives off Bald Hill Road and got a trail cam picture of a thing that looks like Bigfoot. This occurred about 2 weeks after this report. I posted the picture on my Facebook timeline on May 21st. Whatever it is in the picture is just under the horizontal lit small branch. Clearly a face of something or someone.
Lo your nephew who is “ very private “ but let’s go head and just give the general area of where he lives 😂
I knew I shouldn’t have used the word ‘private’. I’m sure you’ll find him now.
What is the source of the extreme bright light blocking the ‘body’ section? I would think homeless or poacher more likely.
I first saw Bigfoot in Northern California. I am a true believer and it scared the crap out of me as well.
There real names are sambrianians when you encounter one or if you go in that area again talk to them telepathically say hello my friend and tell them that you love them and that the alderainians love them too.ZARINA AN ZATAR KNOWS ALL also tell them to say hello to ELU with love and light ALWAYS.
Tell them Raindreamer loves them forever
Lay off the drugs hippie
Or get a selfie with one….I hear they love taking pictures now!
I’ve never heard that name but they told Dr. Matthew Johnson that they call themselves “The Xaneu” which means “The People.” Dr. Johnson wrote the book “Bigbook” based on many years of experience.
You’re a dork the Sasquatches in that area from folklore for a hundred years back skookumchuck giant hairy man that eats Indian so you go make love to him and he’ll put a little salt and pepper on you and eat your ass
They must be very skunky if they were driving and noticed a smell or were they smelling something else skunky?
My husband loves everything Bigfoot!
Hi Jstnjoy, I’ve tried about 3 times to post some good info and links about BigFoot / Sasquatch for you and your husband, but the site apparently isn’t accepting it. It just isn’t there after I click on “Post Comment”. Don’t know if this one will make it either.
well, that comment, without the links (which doesn’t help you so much) apparently went through and is awaiting moderator approval.
Here is info, without links, for your husband, if he cares to research it.
Search for “Joan Ocean” and “Bigfoot” (she’s in Hawaii and has excellent posts about her experiences with Bigfoot.)
Dr. Matthew Johnson (“Dr. J”) and “teamsquatchinusa” dot com, and he has a youtube channel as well. Lots of great info and data there too.
I think “TeamSquatchinUSA” is the name of his YT channel.
I grew up in this area and have in many occasions have had encounters with Bigfoot mostly at night in the woods! Very very interesting and scary! We encountered this so commonly we even had our own name for the creature! “The monkey man” is what we lake Lawernce populations call him! We actually love the monkey man stories and welcome him!
Just leave them alone!
Since when did the Bigfoot start liking pics of themselves?
So did anybody investigate? Look for prints, hair, etc?
@John I didn’t get the report until about 3 weeks after it happened. I did go to the area yesterday and looked around. No prints or other sign. I’ll post some video and pics from the site soon.
That’s what I was wondering!
Wild thing here We were at Alder Lake Campground May 17th-19th the Morning of the 18th @ 1:30am I was awoken by 3 quick Blood Curdling screams/Screeches from across the Lake then Silence. My Partner sleeps with Earplugs so didnt hear a thing. Took me a bit to fall back to sleep. Alder lake really isn’t that far from this sighting as the Crow Flies.
We was 4x4ing up off Skate Creek, Rd., when we decided to head up high up the Mountain. When we finally came to a stop we got out and walked around. We found a cleared area under a large tree. It was deep in the snow, dirty with clumps of hair. From that area we found huge foot steps leading straight down the mountain side. It was a very deep slope. The steps were a larger distance from one another. My husband is 6’4” and could not come close to jumping from one step to the other. My husband wears a size 17 shoe, this foot was much larger. It was almost unbelievable how steep and far apart the steps were down the cliff. I got scared and begged my husband to get outta there! I was darn near crying. I will NEVER question anyone ever again that speaks of a Bigfoot sighting. There was no other explanation of whatit could have been. There were only two feet!
Hey just a heads up, the word “skookum” means water (not bigfoot) “chuck” means large, and the local natives are the Nisqually and to the south is the Chehalis
Got that backwards. Otherwise, right idea. That’s why you see Skookumchuk, Colchuk, Pilchuk, and so on as river names.
Skookum more generally means strong/sturdy, but can also imply “good” (especially in the context of trade goods). Interesting that the old term also focuses more on “big” than either good/evil. You’ll hear old-timers use skookum most commonly to describe something being built strongly, e.g. “That’s a skookum ladder.”
But by all means, think twice before going to places whose names translate to bigfoot, monster, devil, spirit, cougar, bear, or mosquito (e.g. Melakwa Lake ).
And you’re right on the nearest tribes. The post is admittedly ambiguous in saying “The term Skookum is Chinook Jargon that is used heavy in geographical names across Oregon, Washington and British Columbia. It is one of the many names the Native Chinuk Wawa used for Bigfoot.”
My hunch is they meant it not as “this is the name of a tribe using the word” but “this is the name of the language in which the word appears”. It’s another name for Chinook Jargon, used in the previous sentence. (Reference the lanecc edu page for more info. I had to look it up, too, as I was familiar with “wawa” as a Chinook Jargon word but not as another name for the language itself.)
I grew up going camping in that area, along The Machelle River in the late 70s, early 80s before urban development took over.. I remember hearing stories from the adults but one event in particular has always stuck with me..
Something had made my mom very uneasy to the point she was begging my dad to leave. It wasn’t quite dark yet, but she was adamant on leaving.. He finally gave in and we headed to town (Lakewood). By this time it was dark and whatever transpired in the next few minutes scared my mom and dad both that my mom was screaming in hysterics, my dad was driving as fast as he could to get to the Hiway and off of that gravel road… My dad wasn’t one to get scared easily ( He spent time in Vietnam) so whatever they both saw was enough for them not to stay away from that area for a very long time..